


时间:2017-07-04   出处:中国知识产权司法保护网(知产法网)  作者:  点击:






        在中国,我们需要与时具进的版权立法、行政监管和司法来应对新技术的变化,应对侵权盗版的复杂形式和“变种”,但智者总是需要慎重地保留 “技术中立”的一块领地;这样当技术和商业模式飞速改变正向发展时,法律并不会成为绊脚石。









Dear Ladies and Gentlemen, all guests:

I am happy to introduce this conference on fair use in the digital domain!

The subject is very important in recognising the balance to be made between those who are rights owners and those who wish to use content under limitations and exceptions to copyright under Chinese law, for work published in the digital domain.

We are seeing more and more content moving online and with greater power and capacity in handheld devices, such as smart phones and tablets, we are likely to see greater use made by end users of content in creating new 'derivative works'. This is a real challenge for copyright owners and also the judiciary and regulatory authorities in China, as it is in other parts of the world, whether a common law or civil law regime.

In China, we need to ensure that we have in place a copyright law that takes account of new changes in technology but that is 'technologically neutral' so that as the technology changes the law does not become redundant.

China is now moving from “made in China to created in China” and so more than ever before we need a copyright law that can meet the needs of future generations of authors, writers and producers.

This is a great opportunity for collaboration between leaders and innovators in their fields. Today, we have speeches from Professor Rohan Kariyawasam from Anglia Ruskin University in the UK, who is himself a computer and telecommunications engineer and IP lawyer, he will update the outcome of the fair use project; Prof Zhang Ping from PKU whom many in the audience will know as one of China's leading IP academics in copyright will be talking about domestic copyright law and fair use; assistant professor Yang Ming also from PKU will be taking about the fair use provisions in the Third Revision draft of China's copyright law, currently with the State Council; Professor Ma Zhiguo, a leading IP practioner from Xi'an Jiaotong University, which has a very good reputation for trade law will be talking about international copyright law and fair use; Judge Zhu, Deputy Judge of the Shenzhen middle Court IP tribunal, deputy dean of Shenzhen university law school, who has a long experience of IP related issues on both practice and academic aspects. Judge Jiang Zhipei will be talking about fair use cases and the relevance of the 3 step test to Chinese judges, and Judge Zhu will be talking about the Copyright Management Organisation (CMO).

This conference has come about through the collaboration between law researchers in the UK (Anglia Ruskin University) and in China (Peking University Law School and Xi'an Jiaotong University Law School). This collaboration has resulted in a project that seeks to investigate fair use of copyright in the digital domain. The project partners have been researching the use of copyright online and have completed desk based comparative research on China's domestic copyright law with other countries, such as France, Germany, the UK, the US, Russia, Japan, Korea and Brazil. The researchers have also completed market research studies across China talking to end users, libraries, media companies, ISPs, all sorts of different companies interested in content, and judges, on the fair use provisions of the current copyright act and the planned third revision.

Also, we have invited representatives from different industries to join is in our panel discussion this afternoon to generate a fascinating discussion of getting the balance right between rights owners and end users with respect to fair use. I am really looking forward to that discussion.

The conference organisers have already emailed each of you a copy of the questions to be addressed by this conference, some of which will be discussed at the panel session this afternoon, and so do please complete the questionnaires either online or hand in a paper copy to the conference staff today.

Without too much delay, I would now like to hand you over to Professor Kariyawasam from the UK, who will talk about the fair use project in the digital domain and provide an overview of the preliminary results of market research completed by the project to-date.

Please join me in welcoming Professor Kariyawasam!  



蒋志培 中国人民大学法学博士,曾在英国伯明翰大学法学院、美国约翰马歇尔法学院任高级访问学者,中国人民大学法学院、北京外国语大学法学院兼职教授,中国知识产权司法保护网主编、国家社科基金评审委员会专家,最高人民检察院民行诉讼监督案件专家委员会委员,2014年、2015年受美国约翰马歇尔法学院、中国驻加拿大使馆和加方科技部邀请参加知识产权法律和创新论坛并演讲,2013年12月获得中国版权事业卓越成就奖。